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Santé et économie en Europe
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Détails sur le produit
Poche: 128 pages
Editeur : PRESSES UNIVERSITAIRES DE FRANCE - PUF; Édition : édition 2016 (1 juin 2016)
Collection : Que sais-je ?
Langue : Français
ISBN-10: 213073667X
ISBN-13: 978-2130736677
Dimensions du produit:
17,5 x 0,8 x 11,5 cm
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Most people think that a health system consists entirely of doctors, nurses and technical support staff. That is not a health system but a system of medical services. Health systems start with fresh air, safe water and sanitation, the control of parasitical and infectious diseases, nutritious food, healthy exercise, sleep and rest, family care, social support, peace and safety – and after all that, medical services.One of great dilemmas of health policy is how to balance investment in health protection, health promotion, preventive medicine and professional treatment and care. Many ministers of health, rather than pressing for smart hospitals, would be better employed lobbying the Minister of Finance to hike up the price of tobacco and alcohol and to subsidise decent housing for the poor.Cuba one of the poor countries in the world has lower rate of infants dying in their first year of life than the USA, Mauritius, South Africa, Russia, China, or even oil rich Bahrain, for it has over 90 percent of its people with access to safe water and sanitation and a stronger focus on health promotion and primary care for mothers and babies.For better health doctors should take more interest in the air we breathe, safe water, food, sanitation, exercise, rest and sleep patterns and support from family and friends. No wonder our medical treatment systems are overwhelmed with largely preventable disease.Majnoni d’Intignano, a French economist, in Santé at Economie en Europe, published by Presses Unversitaires de France, (8th edition 2016 – ISBN 978-2-13-73-668), brilliantly exposes the costs and comparative performance of health services in Europe and beyond, to incisive analysis. Using astutely chosen statistics and a fearless sweeping style, Majnoni reveals the comparatively poor outcomes achieved by the USA despite its high levels of expenditure and stacks of high tech kit.In line with Professor Thomas Mckeown, in the 1960’s, Majnoni stresses that differences in standards of living, not medical services, probably account for three quarters of progress made in extending expectation of life, a key outcome indicator. She observes that the newly emerging countries of Central and Eastern Europe have since the 1990’s increased their expectation of life, as standards of living have improved, whilst in Russia, suffering deep and long-term recession, expectation of life has declined from 70 to 63 years.Majnoni demonstrates how better health has become an endogenous spur to economic growth and prosperity. Those with better health are better off, not because they can afford to pay for medical skills, but because they live in decent housing, have better education, regular meals and reliable jobs, contributing to steady human economic and social development.Citing the enormous growth in the medical sector in developed countries, where in the USA it is now approaching 20 per cent of GDP, Majnoni asks is it worthwhile and decries the lack of studies of operational efficiency and value for money in the medical sector. Whether financed by private or public insurance, whether run by the state, private management or charity, what matters most is the context of health promoting policies, much broader than the narrow remit of doctors and nurses, which makes the big difference for any country.Nobel Laureate Stiglitz has complained the USA would be better off using for social development the billions it wastes on weapons that do not work, against enemies that don’t exist. He is in tune with Majnoni in decrying poverty as a key factor in disease and economic blight. For nearly 20 percent of children in the USA live in poverty and only Romania, of other developed countries, has a higher rate. Poverty deprives children of a decent chance in life, undermining economic growth.Majnoni’s admirable book provides a critique of inequality with a European perspective on investing in health as a spur to economic and social well-being. It poses the problems of the unsustainability of current medical financing systems in the face of the demographic time-bomb of a rapidly ageing population; the weak progress with operational efficiency confronted by conservative professional ethics; and the perverse incentives for expenditure increasing faster than economic growth.Majnoni poses the questions how can we achieve better health within the budget, or a target level of health at least cost. This demands a fresh approach to health policy, finance and management.Many countries would be better off if ministers of health and finance acted on Majnoni’s strategic assessment of the inherent risks of current health and economic policy.
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